Donation call
Now also a few words in English language:
We would like to cordially invite you to keep our radio alive with small or even larger donations!
As a thank you we have again lighters, stickers, a GoaBravo and a few CDs from the last action who would like. In order not to spend all the money on postage, this time the Hirschmilch-Carepaket from € 20.
Again a few words about 2016: We are growing slowly but continuously and now have reached a considerable number of listeners. With three new shows Dense, Nachtzirkus and PsyPortR came on board. From a musical point of view, there were many new delicacies that found their way into the channels. For the incredibly many promos at this point a big thank you to all the labels that send us their music. All in all, we had a beautiful year and hope to have made you happy with our music.
You can send your donations to this PayPal address:
Have a good time. Your baq