App Release

Hirschmilch Radio App

All our channels in your pocket on the go.

Hirschmilch Radio App on App Store Hirschmilch Radio App on Play Store

News 2019-12

New Year 2019

The clock is ticking and we’re approaching another year here on hirschmilch radio. To celebrate our eleventh year, we'll have all special programming tonight. Starting at 2 p.m. CET we kick things of with a new years eve edition of 'Chill On!' Tune in to your favorite channel and enjoy the fines tunes of the year all night long starting at 7 p.m.

Thank you for listening!

See you next year,

Your Hirschmilch Radio Team


Donate 2019

Ho, ho, ho ... it's that time again.
The annual Hirschmilch Radio call for donations knocks on the doors of his loyal audience again!
The year is almost over and so are we. 365 days a year, 24/7 your favorite radio is on call for you. Still our heart project, still volunteer, still with a lot of passion. We also refrain from advertising or other profitable measures. In the past, I have always been very happy about your small and large donations and would be delighted again this year!

I also have a few deer milk care packages (lighters + stickers + CDs) while stocks last from € 20 (DE, EU from € 25). Please send me your address explicitly by email.

Enjoy your radio, a lovely christmas & a happy new year!

Have a good time. Your baq

You can donate via PayPal:

or bank transfer:
Marco-Marcel Rolwes
IBAN: DE79206905000002335174
